Rabu, 12 September 2007

i shall not envy the IT. haha.

After the previous posting about envy, I got a lot of feedback from my friends. These are some of them that make me feel grateful of what I have, of my life, of being the imperfect me.

1. both are unique, emang lo harusnya ga envy sih ke dia. u have what he doesnt have, and he has what u dont have.

2. u guys are incomparable.

3. seinget gw dia muji lo.

4. mana gw tau kalo lo bakalan lari sementara yang lain lelet?

5. kalo ga ada lo cerita ke siapa mereka?

6. childish!!

7. dodol banget sih ngiri karena ga punya bakat itu! lo kan punya bakat lain!

8. at least u dont have a prince-attitude. (hohohoho)

9. thanks hen, uve been helpful to me. wont go through that without ur help!

10. thanks hen.. (from the girl who just started to trust me)

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