Thanks to Lois and Clark, I am now deciding to write on my journal again.
They said start with writing about what I feel, or what I did today, then continued with writing about things that I regretted today, things that I shouldn't hv done.
So this is my first trial.
I finally finished my internship report today. Oh I am too tired to tell the exact details, too lazy to reminisce.
Then I went to oxygen, I got to tired when I arrived in annex so I was fell to sleep before oxygen started on the bean bag.
I trained sandy to be a new vj for oxyten
I sat with dave during sermon.I bitched a while after service wif my yucky team.
Btw sumthin bad happened at the beginning of the sermon. Uncle j had a spontaneous idea, he invited two people, edwin and gitong, muscly guys, to come forward and do adu panco.
But it ended up wif edwin got his arm broken, his bone were broken into two pieces. Geesh, scary it was meant to be something fun.
Eniwei, I felt glad and thankful today because Iris fulfilled his promise to me. He gave me his suit, custom made and zara look a like that he made in pasar baru. He wore it on our xmas dinner and I was immediately liking it.
After service I went to starbucks wif wina. We had a fun and great talk.
I also felt satisfied today because I improved my exercise program, I made it until half an hour and got sweaty.
I want to be fitter this year.
Btw hmm I hv to consider what are the things that I regretted today.
Hmm. I think today is zero hehe.